Bulldozed: Scott Morrison's Fall and Anthony Albanese's Rise

$35.00 AUD

For nine long years, Australia was governed by a succession of Coalition governments rocked by instability and bloodletting, and consumed with prosecuting climate and culture wars while neglecting policy. By the end, among his detractors - and there were plenty - Morrison was seen as the worst prime minister since Billy McMahon.

Niki Savva, Australia's renowned political commentator, author, and columnist, lays out the final unravelling of the Coalition at the hands of a resurgent Labor and the so-called teal independents that culminated in the historic 2022 election. With her typical access to key players, and her riveting accounts of what went on behind the scenes, Untitled is the unique final volume of an unputdownable and impeccably sourced political trilogy.


About the author:

Niki Savva is an Australian journalist, author, and former senior adviser to prime minister John Howard and treasurer Peter Costello.


Product details:

Author: Niki Savva

Publisher: Scribe Publications

Dimensions: 155 x 33 x 235 mm

Pages: 400

Format: Paperback

Publication date: 1 December 2022

ISBN: 9781922585981

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